New Live Tracking Tools to Improve Performance

These two features allow you to seamlessly track your team’s performance: Live ETA and Breadcrumbs both let you see in more detail how the day is going.
Live ETA: Automatic and Continuous Updating of Arrival Times
Thanks to Live ETA, your route planners and customer service team will have a detailed and real-time insight into exactly what is happening out on the roads – and will be able to respond quickly if things aren’t quite going according to plan. The real-time information recorded by our mobile app will continuously update estimated times of arrival to each location, allowing you to keep customers in the loop, manage their expectations, and ultimately ensure customer satisfaction.
Live ETA is available immediately for Custom, Pro and Lite customers – no need to activate anything. Rest assured that nothing will change on the mobile app interface for your drivers either.
The new Live ETA information is displayed in the Live tab, in the Service Start column. For any orders scheduled on an active route, you will see the ETA in gray. Additionally, we show the number of minutes early or delayed for each order: green means ahead of schedule, orange means the driver is running behind. Learn more about Live ETA here.

Leave a Breadcrumbs Trail Everywhere You Go
Just like Hansel and Gretel sprinkled a trail of real breadcrumbs through the woods, your drivers will now leave a digital breadcrumb trail everywhere they go. With our new Breadcrumbs feature, you will be able to identify when drivers deviate from the planned routes, and be able to address whether it’s related to efficiency decisions in the field, or something else. You’ll have more accurate insight into what goes on during the day to keep your business running smoothly.
The Breadcrumbs feature is available immediately for Lite, Pro and Trial customers – no need to activate or download anything. Now in the Live tab, you’ll have the option of selecting Planned (default), Actual or Both, to switch from the planned route, to a dotted line representing the route the driver actually took. When you select both, you see one superimposed on the other for easy comparison.

You will be able to see Breadcrumbs for Live Routes and (for Custom customers) actual routes from the days, weeks or months before.
You still have the range of flexibility that you’ve always had: viewing routes by date, by driver, and using various types of maps – the Breadcrumbs trail can be applied to all of these options. Learn more about Breadcrumbs here.
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