This document is the official reference for the OptimoRoute Web Service Application Programming Interface (WS API).
Our Web Service API is HTTP based
The methods to retrieve data from our Web Service (WS) API require an HTTP GET request method.
The methods that submit, change, or destroy data require a POST request method.
The API methods will return an error if you do not make your request with the correct HTTP method.
We use JSON for structured data exchange
Our API uses the JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) format.
More information about JSON and how it works can be found here: and here:
There are many readily available libraries to convert to and from the JSON format both for popular and for more esoteric programming languages.
SSL is required
Using SSL (https) is required to avoid passing both the authentication key and potentially confidential data in clear text over the web.
Limited number of concurrent requests
The maximum number of concurrent web service API requests for one account or for one IP address is limited to 5.
General error codes
The following error codes are applicable to all API operations:
Error Code | Description |
the authentication key is missing |
a wrong authentication key was supplied |
something is wrong with the input |
one of the mandatory fields is missing |
one of the specified fields is not in a valid format |
there are too many concurrent requests |
an internal server error occur |
There are also error codes specific that are described in the Error and Warning Codes section of each method.
Error codes with bulk operations
For bulk operations, there are multiple failure modes. For example, if performing a bulk operation on orders:
- the whole request can fail (e.g. a serious validation or programming error). The response will contain an error code.
- the operation failed for some orders, but succeeded for others. The response will contain a list in which some objects have an error code.
Allow for additional fields in the response messages
Additional fields might be added to the JSON response messages in the future, so your client code should ignore additional fields.
The OptimoRoute Web Service API authentication key parameter is required with all API requests, in addition to all the standard parameters.
To enable the API and generate the API key please log into the OptimoRoute web application. In the Administration section select Settings -> WS API and enable the API. The API key will be generated for you.
The Web Service API is also available during the free trial period.
Data Objects
Some endpoints in the API share definitions of objects that are sent in the request and response.
Order Object
Example Order Object
"orderNo": "ORD001",
"id": "6671978a86b19d18c69cc934315cb100",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"duration": 60,
"priority": "M",
"type": "T",
"load1": 1,
"load2": 0,
"load3": 0,
"load4": 0,
"assignedTo": {"externalId": "DRV001", "serial": "001"},
"location": {
"locationNo": "LOC001",
"address": "393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, USA",
"locationName": "Green Cross Pharmacy North End",
"latitude": 42.365142,
"longitude": -71.052882,
"checkInTime": 0,
"notes": ""
"timeWindows": [{
"twFrom": "11:00",
"twTo": "17:00"
"allowedWeekdays": ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri"],
"allowedDates": {},
"allowedDateTimes": [{
"from": "2019-12-10T07:39:00",
"to": "2019-12-15T19:39:00"
"skills": ["SK001"],
"vehicleFeatures": [],
"notes": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"customField1": "",
"customField2": "",
"customField3": "",
"customField4": "",
"customField5": "",
"notificationPreference": "email"
Property | Type | Description |
id |
string | The read-only unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute. If this property is sent in requests, it will be used to find the order to update, delete or retrieve, taking priority over orderNo . |
orderNo |
string | A user specified order identifier, also displayed in the web application. If id is not used in the WS API requests, orders are matched by this identifier, and it can be used to update, delete or retrieve orders. |
relatedOrderNo |
string or null |
orderNo of the related order. Used to link pickups and deliveries in situations where goods are transported directly from one customer location to another customer location.When creating orders, the relationship should be specified only on the second order that is created (the first order has to already exist in the system so that it can be referenced). The default value is null , which means the order is not related to any other pickup/delivery. |
relatedId |
string or null |
id of the related order. See relatedOrderNo above for related orders details. |
date |
date (string) | Order date. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example 2013-12-20 . |
location |
location object | Delivery/Service location. See Location Object. |
type |
string enum | Order type: D (delivery), P (pickup) or T (task). |
duration |
decimal | The time in minutes required to unload the goods or perform a task at the given location. If not specified, newly created orders will use the default value configured in OptimoRoute. |
timeWindows |
list of time windows | List of time windows when the order can be serviced. Each time window is an object with twFrom and twTo fields. Both times are in 24-hour (military) clock format, in the range from 00:00 to 23:59 .twFrom specifies the earliest time allowed to begin the service (if the driver arrives too early, they will be forced to wait). twTo specifies the deadline to end the service.Example: [{"twFrom": "10:00", "twTo": "14:00"}] .Default is [] meaning no time windows. |
allowedWeekdays |
list of strings | Restricts days of the week when the order can be scheduled:sun , mon , tue , wed , thu , fri , sat .For example if the order can be scheduled on Monday or Tuesday the value should be: ["mon", "tue"] .By default all days of the week are allowed. |
allowedDates |
daterange object | Restricts the dates when the order can be scheduled. Daterange is specified as an object with from and to fields, for example:{"from": "2018-06-01", "to": "2018-07-01"} Default is an empty object {} meaning no restriction. |
allowedDateTimes |
list of datetime windows | List of datetime windows when the order can be serviced. Each object can contain from and/or to fields, which are datetime strings, or null . Strings are in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS , e.g. 2020-01-30T15:54:02 . The field from defines the earliest time to begin the service, and to defines the latest time to begin the service. When only one end of the restriction is given, the other is assumed to be null , meaning it is not restricted.Example: [{"from": "2019-12-26T00:00:00", "to": "2019-12-31T23:59:59"}] .Default is [] meaning no restriction. |
assignedTo |
object or null |
An object with string properties serial or externalId that uniquely identifies the Driver that this Order must be assigned to. Example: {"serial": "102"} or {"externalId": "444"} . Setting this field forces this Order to be served by the specified Driver. A null value means no assignment, which is the default. |
priority |
string | Order priority, by default M . Values can be:L – LowM – MediumH – HighC – CriticalHigh priority orders are scheduled earlier and are less likely to be left unscheduled if not all orders can be serviced. |
load1 |
decimal | The load requirements of the order, i.e. how many load units (Number of boxes, Kilos, Pounds, Liters etc) should be delivered. The meaning of this entry depends on the provided configuration of load/capacity constraints. Default value is 0 . |
load2 |
decimal | See load1 . |
load2 |
decimal | See load1 . |
load3 |
decimal | See load1 . |
vehicleFeatures |
list of strings | The vehicle features used to differentiate some Vehicles from the others. The required vehicle features are defined as a list of vehicle feature codes. Default value is an empty list [] . |
skills |
list of strings | The driver skills used to differentiate some Drivers from the others. The required skills are defined as a list of skill codes. Default value is an empty list [] . |
notes |
string | The optional note that will accompany the driver’s instructions. Notes do not affect the optimization process. A free form string. |
customField1 |
string | Value that will be saved in custom field #1, default empty. |
customField2 |
string | Value that will be saved in custom field #2, default empty. |
customField3 |
string | Value that will be saved in custom field #3, default empty. |
customField4 |
string | Value that will be saved in custom field #4, default empty. |
customField5 |
string | Value that will be saved in custom field #5, default empty. |
customFields |
custom fields object | An object containing custom fields. See CustomFields Object. |
email |
string | Customer email. If enabled, order notifications can be sent to that email. Default empty. |
phone |
string | Customer phone number. Default empty. |
notificationPreference |
string enum | Defines the delivery method for order tracking notifications for this order. Notifications will only be sent if this account has order tracking configured. Allowed values: • dont_notify – don't send notifications• email – send notification to email address specified in the email field • sms – send text message to number specified in the phone field • both – send both email and sms notificationsDefaults to both . |
barcode |
list of barcode objects optional |
List of barcodes attached to the order. Each barcode is an object with a barcode field. The value is an arbitrary string.Example: [{"barcode": "12345678"}] .If there are no barcodes attached to the order, the result will return an empty array. Only present if Proof of Delivery feature is available. |
Location Object
Location Object example with GPS coordinates:
"address": "1350 N High St, Columbus, OH 43201, USA",
"latitude": 39.9892,
"longitude": -83.0054,
"locationName": "Colorado pharmacy 033",
"locationNo": "COL033",
"valid": true,
"notes": "GATE CODE 4412",
"checkInTime": 3
Property | Type / Default | Description |
locationNo |
string | The unique identifier for the given location. |
locationName |
string | Location name. |
address |
string | The full address including the country, for example 393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, US |
latitude |
decimal | Location latitude. |
longitude |
decimal | Location longitude. |
valid |
boolean | Read-only property, used only in responses. If found in a request it will be ignored. Returns true when the location is valid. Returns false when the location is invalid. Invalid locations are the ones that have no known latitude and longitude (e.g. they were created by specifying an address that could not be geocoded). By default, when creating orders and locations the system will not accept erroneous or incomplete addresses and will raise an error. Using storeInvalid flag (from additional location object parameters in create order request) prevents raising an error and enables storing invalid locations and related orders in OptimoRoute. This way the problematic addresses can be corrected in OptimoRoute, however, orders with invalid locations cannot be a part of a plan until those location are corrected.Invalid locations will have latitude and longitude properties present in the response but their values should not be considered. |
checkInTime |
integer | Minimum waiting time at the location (in minutes). If not specified, newly created locations will use the default value configured in OptimoRoute (zero by default). Upon arrival at the location the driver will spend at least checkInTime minutes before starting the service of one or several consecutive orders at the same location. Example: if we have 3 orders at the same location:
notes |
string | Optional notes related to this location. |
SelectedDriver Object
Use either driverExternalId
or driverSerial
(one field is enough):
Property | Type / Default | Description |
driverExternalId optional |
string - |
The external identifier assigned to the driver in driver administration. |
driverSerial optional |
string - |
The driver’s serial number. |
Time object
Property | Type | Description |
unixTimestamp mandatory |
integer | Number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 UTC January 1st 1970. |
utcTime mandatory |
ISO 8601 date (string) | The UTC date and time |
localTime mandatory |
ISO 8601 date (string) | The local time |
The fields unixTimestamp
, utcTime
and localTime
all refer to the same moment, so you can use whichever is more convenient.
CustomFields Object
The CustomFields Object can contain any number of properties, where each property name matches the key of a custom field configured in OptimoRoute.
CustomFields Object example (
is of typeSingle Select
is an option key,quantity
is of typeNumber
with 0 decimal places,purity
is of typeNumber
with 2 decimal places andinstructions
is of typeText
"fruit_type": "apple",
"quantity": 100,
"purity": 99.99,
"instructions": "Deliver to the customer's door."
Property | Type | Description |
{custom_field_key} |
string or decimal or boolean | If the custom field is configured with type Text or Number , the provided value will be converted to the appropriate type if possible.If the custom field is configured with type Single Select , the value must exactly match one of the option keys configured for that field. |
NOTE: Contact OptimoRoute support to activate the new custom fields. Legacy custom fields (custom fields with keys custom_field_1
through custom_field_5
) should not be included in this object - these are set using the separate fields in the Order Object (customField1
through customField5
Create Order
Creates a new order in the system or updates an existing order.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"operation": "CREATE",
"orderNo": "ORD001",
"type": "D",
"date": "2014-10-14",
"location": {
"address": "393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, USA",
"locationNo": "LOC001",
"locationName": "Green Cross Pharmacy North End",
"acceptPartialMatch": true
"duration": 20,
"twFrom": "10:00",
"twTo": "10:59",
"load1": 10,
"load2": 25,
"vehicleFeatures": ["FR"],
"skills": ["SK001", "SK002"],
"notes": "Deliver at back door"
In addition to properties from the Order Object, the following properties are available:
Property | Type | Description |
operation |
string enum | CREATE – creates a new order in the system. UPDATE – updates an existing order in the system. If the order does not exist the system will return an error. SYNC – recommended when the end goal is to make sure orders are reflected in OptimoRoute. If this is a new order, we will create it. If there is an existing order in the system, it will be updated. SYNC makes a clean sync-up of order data. Whatever we have on this order will be replaced by the data you send us on SYNC . MERGE – used to only update specific fields and leave all the other fields unchanged (for example if some fields were manually edited in OptimoRoute and should not be updated). If this is a new order, we will create it. If there is an existing order in the system, it will be updated. For operations other than CREATE , the order will be looked up by its unique id if used in request, or orderNo if id is not used. |
acceptDuplicateOrderNo |
boolean | If set to true the system will accept orders with orderNo that already exists in the system. When false or not specified, the system will return an error. |
twFrom |
time (string) | Deprecated, please use the timeWindows field; ignored if timeWindows is set.The earliest time allowed to begin the service (if the driver arrives too early, they will be forced to wait). 24-hour (military) clock format, for example: 16:00 The valid values range from 00:00 to 23:59 . |
twTo |
time (string) | Deprecated, please use the timeWindows field; ignored if timeWindows is set.The deadline to end the service. 24-hour (military) clock format, for example 17:00 The valid values range from 00:00 to 23:59 . |
The operation
property is mandatory. When operation
is specified as UPDATE
, one of orderNo
or id
are mandatory, otherwise mandatory properties are date
, type
, location
and one of orderNo
or id
Location Object
Location Object example specifying address to be geocoded and accepting any result:
"address": "1350 N High St, Columbus, OH 43201, USA",
"acceptPartialMatch": true,
"acceptMultipleResults": true
In addition to properties from the Location Object, the following properties are available:
Property | Type | Description |
acceptMultipleResults |
boolean | Used only if a new location is created by geocoding the address field. If false or not specified, the system will not accept the geocoded addresses where several results matching the provided address have been found and an error will be raised. |
acceptPartialMatch |
boolean | Used only if a new location is created by geocoding the address field. If false or not specified, the system will not accept the geocoded addresses that were only a partial match (lower geocoding confidence) and an error will be raised. |
storeInvalid |
boolean | Used only if a new location is created by geocoding the address field. If false or not specified, the system will raise an error when provided address is erroneous or incomplete (no address matching the provided one have been found). Setting this parameter to true enables storing incomplete location information that can be fixed afterwards. Until the location is corrected, planning orders with this location will not be possible. |
A location is defined by one of the following:
The location number of a location already existing in the system. An existing location is used.
NOTE: theaddress
should NOT be specified, otherwise the system will try to geocode the location again or create one with a defined GPS location.latitude
(with optionaladdress
The location is defined by the latitude and longitude.
The location name will be set to the value oflocationName
The location address will be set toaddress
is set, otherwise it will be left blank.
The location number will be set tolocationNo
is set, otherwise it will be left blank.address
(with optionallocationName
The system will try to find an existing locations with the specifiedaddress
if one is specified). If an existing location is not found the location address will be geocoded based on the supplied address.
The location name will be set tolocationName
field iflocationName
is supplied, otherwise it will be set to the value of address field.
The location number will be set tolocationNo
is set, otherwise it will be left blank.
Response to example request:
"success": true,
"id": "8cde6711026ff11f79f15a719277fe26",
"location": {
"notes": "",
"longitude": -71.0528824,
"locationName": "Green Cross Pharmacy North End",
"locationNo": "LOC001",
"address": "393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, USA",
"latitude": 42.3651425,
"valid": true,
"checkInTime": 0
"geocodingResults": [
"393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, USA",
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the order was saved, false if there was an error. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
id optional |
string - |
The read-only unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute |
location optional |
location object - |
The location data for the created order (only if the operation was successful). |
geocodingResults optional |
list - |
The list of geocoding results if the location is created from the supplied address. Each geocoding result is defined as: [geocodedAddress, latitude, longitude, partialMatchFlag] |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Create Order method:
Error Code | Description |
an order with the specified orderNo already exists in the system (checked only if orderNo field is set) |
the order with the ID passed in relatedOrderNo does not exist |
multiple orders with ID passed in relatedOrderNo exist |
order can not be linked to order with ID passed in relatedOrderNo (only pickups and deliveries can be linked) |
the driver with the serial number passed in assignedTo does not exist |
there is more than one driver with the assignedTo serial number |
the specified location is not valid |
the specified address could not be geocoded |
multiple results have been found during geocoding |
the geocoder did not return an exact match for the original request |
the location specified by locationNo does not exist |
multiple locations with specified locationNo have been found |
the vehicle feature does not exist (for one of the codes specified in vehicleFeatures field) |
multiple vehicle features exist (for one of the codes specified in the vehicleFeatures field) |
the skill does not exist (for one of the codes specified in the skills field) |
multiple skills exist (for one of the codes specified in skills field) |
the specified address could not be geocoded (but the order was created because storeInvalid was set to True) |
multiple results have been found during geocoding (but the order was created because acceptMultipleResults was set to True) |
the geocoder did not return an exact match for the original request (but the order was created because acceptPartialMatch was set to True) |
Create or Update Orders (bulk)
Create, update or replace one or more orders in the system.
Note that geocoding addresses is not available in this call. The locations for orders must either exist in the system, or be specified via latitude and longitude coordinates. Geocoding is available in Create Order.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"orders": [
"orderNo": "54913250",
"date": "2019-03-22",
"duration": 60,
"priority": "H",
"type": "T",
"assignedTo": {"externalId": "DRV001", "serial": "001"},
"location": {
"locationNo": "G402333",
"address": "393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, USA",
"locationName": "Green Cross Pharmacy North End",
"latitude": 42.365142,
"longitude": -71.052882,
"checkInTime": 0,
"timeWindows": [{
"twFrom": "11:00",
"twTo": "17:00"
"allowedWeekdays": ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri"],
"allowedDates": {},
"skills": ["SK001"],
"vehicleFeatures": [],
"notes": "Notify manager",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"customField1": "300",
"notificationPreference": "email"
"orderNo": "27463225",
"date": "2019-03-22",
"duration": 10,
"type": "D",
"load1": 1,
"location": {
"locationNo": "999999999",
"orderNo": "09463221",
"date": "2019-03-22",
"duration": 10,
"type": "D",
"load1": 1,
"location": {
"notes": "",
"locationNo": "R384892",
"locationName": "Moe's Southwest Grill",
"longitude": -71.7520717,
"latitude": 42.2752323,
"notes": "Use gate"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orders mandatory |
list of order objects - |
List of one or more order objects to create, update or replace in the system. At most 500 orders can be specified. |
Order Object
In addition to properties from the Order Object, the following properties are available:
Property | Type | Description |
operation |
string enum | MERGE – used to only update specific fields and leave all the other fields unchanged (for example if some fields were manually edited in OptimoRoute and should not be updated). If this is a new order, we will create it. If there is an existing order in the system, it will be updated. SYNC – recommended when the end goal is to make sure orders are reflected in OptimoRoute. If this is a new order, we will create it. If there is an existing order in the system, it will be updated. SYNC makes a clean sync-up of order data. Whatever we have on this order will be replaced by the data you send us on SYNC . CREATE – creates a new order in the system; not allowed together with id UPDATE – updates an existing order in the system. If the order does not exist the system will return an error. |
acceptDuplicateOrderNo |
boolean | If set to true the system will allow CREATE of orders with orderNo that already exists in the system. When false or not specified, the system will return an error. |
Each order object given in orders
will result in an order being created, updated or replaced in the system. The exact behavior for each order can be configured via operation
in each order object. The default behavior is:
- if
is given, the existing order will be updated with the provided values;- properties that are not provided in the request will keep their existing values
- if
is not given, andorderNo
is not given or no order is found, a new order will be created;- properties
are mandatory - properties
will use the default values configured in OptimoRoute - other properties can be omitted, in which case the default values listed in Order object will be used
- properties
- if
is not given, and an existing order with matchingorderNo
is found, the existing order will be updated with the provided values;- properties that are not provided in the request will keep their existing values
Location Object
See Location Object for all available location properties. Locations can be created or updated.
If locationNo
is specified and a matching location exists, that location will be updated.
If locationNo
does not have any matches, a new location will be created.
If locationNo
is not specified and an existing order is updated - the order's location will be updated.
During update, the matched location will be updated with the values given in the object, if any. No properties are mandatory when updating. When updating with SYNC
the properties are reset to default, otherwise they keep their existing values.
In cases when a new location is created, the following properties are mandatory: latitude
, longitude
and one of locationNo
, address
, locationName
Response example:
"orders": [
"success": true,
"id": "c821486835d2f20539a9754454f7efbe",
"orderNo": "54913250"
"success": false,
"message": "The location with the given location number does not exist.",
"orderNo": "27463225",
"locationNo": "999999999"
"success": true,
"id": "8cde6711026ff11f79f15a719277fe26",
"orderNo": "09463221"
"success": true
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if at least one operation was successful, false if all failed |
orders |
list of order response objects - |
Each order object in the list corresponds to the respective order in the request. See Order Response Object section for more information. |
Order Response Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the operation succeeded, false if there was an error. |
orderNo optional |
string - |
Identifier of the respective order |
id optional |
string - |
The read-only unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute |
locationNo optional |
string - |
Identifier of the location if a location-related error happened |
code optional |
string - |
A per-order error code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
Error and Warning Codes
The following per-order error codes are applicable:
Error Code | Description |
the specified order is not valid, possibly an order to be created/updated did not exist in the system but could not be created because a mandatory property is missing |
an order with the specified orderNo already exists in the system (only with CREATE plus orderNo ) |
the order with the matching orderNo was not found (only with UPDATE plus orderNo , or if using id in the request) |
there are multiple orders matching the orderNo |
optimization is running for this order |
the order with the orderNo passed in relatedOrderNo does not exist |
multiple orders with orderNo passed in relatedOrderNo exist |
order can not be linked to order with orderNo passed in relatedOrderNo (only pickups and deliveries can be linked) |
the driver specified in assignedTo does not exist |
there is more than one driver with the specified assignedTo values |
the specified location is not valid, possibly a location to be created/updated did not exist in the system but could not be created because a mandatory property is missing |
the location specified by locationNo does not exist |
multiple locations with specified locationNo have been found |
the vehicle feature does not exist (for one of the codes specified in vehicleFeatures field) |
multiple vehicle features exist (for one of the codes specified in the vehicleFeatures field) |
the skill does not exist (for one of the codes specified in the skills field) |
multiple skills exist (for one of the codes specified in skills field) |
Get Orders (bulk)
Retrieves one or more orders from the system.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"orders": [
"orderNo": "ORD001"
"orderNo": "ORD99"
"id": "04e7b09e993e8488024f46aaf9d8c72d"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orders mandatory |
list of order objects - |
List of order objects to retrieve. Each order object can contain either of:
For flexibility, if using only orderNo
the call to get_orders can also be done as a HTTP GET request:
GET request example:
curl ''
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orderNo mandatory |
string - |
The user-specified identifier of an order; can be repeated to retrieve multiple orders |
Response example:
"success": true,
"orders": [
"success": true,
"id": "04e7b09e993e8488024f46aaf9d8c72d",
"data": {
"orderNo": "ORD001",
"id": "04e7b09e993e8488024f46aaf9d8c72d",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"duration": 60,
"priority": "M",
"type": "T",
"load1": 1,
"load2": 0,
"load3": 0,
"load4": 0,
"assignedTo": {"externalId": "DRV001", "serial": "001"},
"location": {
"locationNo": "LOC001",
"address": "393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, USA",
"locationName": "Green Cross Pharmacy North End",
"latitude": 42.365142,
"longitude": -71.052882,
"checkInTime": 0,
"notes": ""
"timeWindows": [{
"twFrom": "11:00",
"twTo": "17:00"
"allowedWeekdays": ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri"],
"allowedDates": {},
"skills": ["SK001"],
"vehicleFeatures": [],
"notes": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"customField1": "",
"customField2": "",
"customField3": "",
"customField4": "",
"customField5": "",
"notificationPreference": "email"
"message": "The order with the matching orderNo was not found.",
"code": "ERR_ORD_NOT_FOUND",
"orderNo": "ORD99",
"success": false
"success": true,
"id": "04e7b09e993e8488024f46aaf9d8c72d",
"data": {
"orderNo": "-",
"id": "04e7b09e993e8488024f46aaf9d8c72d",
"date": "2018-11-12",
"duration": 30,
"priority": "M",
"type": "T",
"load1": 2,
"load2": 0,
"load3": 0,
"load4": 0,
"assignedTo": null,
"location": {
"locationNo": "LOC001",
"address": "393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, USA",
"locationName": "Green Cross Pharmacy North End",
"latitude": 42.365142,
"longitude": -71.052882,
"checkInTime": 0,
"notes": ""
"timeWindows": [],
"allowedWeekdays": ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun"],
"allowedDates": {},
"skills": ["SK001"],
"vehicleFeatures": [],
"notes": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"customField1": "",
"customField2": "",
"customField3": "",
"customField4": "",
"customField5": "",
"notificationPreference": "email"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if at least one order was retrieved, false if no orders were retrieved |
orders mandatory |
list of order response objects - |
Each order object in the list corresponds to the respective orderNo and/or id in the request. See Order Response Object section for more information. |
Order Response Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the order was retrieved, false if there was an error. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
orderNo optional |
string - |
The orderNo whose retrieval failed. Only present if the operation was not successful and orderNo was used in the request. |
id mandatory |
string - |
The unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute. |
data optional |
Order object - |
The retrieved order. |
Order Object
In case of success, data will be an object with properties listed in Order Object.
The returned type
property can additionally be break
or depot
Error and Warning Codes
The following per-order error codes are applicable to Get Orders method:
Error Code | Description |
the order with the matching orderNo and/or id was not found. |
there are multiple orders matching the orderNo |
this orderNo is not valid |
Delete Order
Removes an order from the system.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"orderNo": "ORD001"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orderNo mandatory |
string - |
The user-specified identifier of the order to be deleted. |
forceDelete optional |
booleanfalse |
If true , usual restrictions regarding deleting orders on a live plan are ignored. |
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if order was deleted, false if there was an error. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
planningId optional |
integer - |
The id of the planning process in case optimization is running for this order. |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Delete Order method:
Error Code | Description |
the order with the matching orderNo was not found |
there are multiple orders matching the orderNo |
optimization is running for this order |
Delete All Orders
Removes all orders and planned routes for the specified date from the system. If no date is set, all orders and routes are removed from the system.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"date": "2014-10-14"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
date optional |
date (string) - |
Date for which orders and routes will be deleted. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example 2013-12-20 . |
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if orders were deleted, false if there was an error. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
planningId optional |
integer - |
The id of the planning process in case optimization is running. |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Delete Order method:
Error Code | Description |
optimization is running for this date |
Delete Orders (bulk)
Removes one or more orders from the system.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"orders": [
"orderNo": "ORD001"
"orderNo": "ORD999"
"id": "04e7b09e993e8488024f46aaf9d8c72d"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orders mandatory |
list of order objects - |
List of order objects to delete. Each order object can contain either of:
deleteMultiple optional |
booleanfalse |
If false , when there are multiple orders matched by one order object, an error will be returned. If true , all the matches will be deleted. |
forceDelete optional |
booleanfalse |
If true , usual restrictions regarding deleting orders on a live plan are ignored. |
Response example:
"success": true,
"orders": [
"orderNo": "ORD001",
"success": true
"message": "The order with the matching orderNo was not found.",
"code": "ERR_ORD_NOT_FOUND",
"orderNo": "ORD999",
"success": false
"success": true,
"id": "04e7b09e993e8488024f46aaf9d8c72d"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if at least one order was deleted, false if no orders were deleted. |
orders mandatory |
list of delete response objects - |
Each order object in the list corresponds to the respective orderNo and/or id in the request. See Delete Response Object section for more information. |
Delete Response Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if deleted, false if there was an error. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
orderNo optional |
string - |
The orderNo which was deleted, or whose delete failed. Only present if orderNo was used in the request. |
id optional |
string - |
The id which was deleted, or whose delete failed. Only present if id was used in the request. |
planningId optional |
integer - |
The id of the planning process in case optimization is running for this order. |
Error and Warning Codes
The following per-order error codes are applicable to Delete Orders method:
Error Code | Description |
the order with the matching orderNo and/or id was not found |
there are multiple orders matching the orderNo , but deleteMultiple was set to false |
optimization is running for this order |
this orderNo or id is not valid |
Get Routes
Gets the routes for a specific date.
HTTP Request
Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl ''
curl ''
Property | Type / Default | Description |
date mandatory |
date (string) - |
Queried date. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example 2013-12-20 . |
driverExternalId optional |
string - |
Optionally filter by drivers external identifier. |
driverSerial optional |
string - |
Optionally filter by Serial number of the Driver. |
vehicleRegistration optional |
string - |
Optionally filter by Vehicle registration. |
includeRoutePolyline optional |
booleanfalse |
Optional property to include route polyline in the output. This polyline can be used to display the route on the map. The polyline is a list of coordinates encoded with Encoded Polyline Algorithm. |
includeRouteStartEnd optional |
booleanfalse |
Optional property to include the route’s start and end locations in the output. |
Response example
"success": true,
"routes": [
"driverExternalId": "",
"driverSerial": "011",
"driverName": "Driver 011",
"vehicleRegistration": "Vehicle 011",
"vehicleLabel": "011",
"duration": 37,
"distance": 19.563,
"load1": 0,
"load3": 0,
"load2": 0,
"load4": 0,
"stops": [
"stopNumber": 1,
"orderNo": "-",
"id": "f7afe58fcddfcbf9f42620c79ebad7ff",
"scheduledAt": "10:16",
"scheduledAtDt": "2022-03-16 10:16:41",
"arrivalTimeDt": "2022-03-16 10:16:41",
"address": "Burwyn, IL",
"locationName": "Burwyn, IL",
"locationNo": "",
"latitude": 41.8505874,
"longitude": -87.7936685,
"distance": 0,
"travelTime": 0
"stopNumber": 2,
"orderNo": "-",
"id": "0a077bd652b4b0c69fd9bdb3efefe729",
"scheduledAtDt": "2022-03-16 10:33:18",
"arrivalTimeDt": "2022-03-16 10:33:18",
"scheduledAt": "10:33",
"address": "Oak Park, Chicago",
"locationName": "Oak Park, Chicago",
"locationNo": "",
"latitude": 41.8850317,
"longitude": -87.7845025,
"distance": 4668,
"travelTime": 397
"routePolyline": "_}l~FlezvO????Ag@?Y?U?s@?c@AgCAmB?w@?]?IAc@Hm@AoCAw@A}C?WA_AAsFCwD?M?m@CsF?k@AwAAw@?W?_@U?qA@S?U@[?gEDiIHm@?cJHmJFiJJoJFmJHqGFe@?u@@gA@Q?oGHuBBuFFmJLq@Bg@?}CD]@m@?k@@o@@i@?oGH}HHc@@M?O?a@@yDD}BBM?_GFY@Y?O?O@W?U@w@?Q@y@?uABwA@Q?S@kA@M?{EDQ@S?gHD??fHER?PAzEEL?jAARAP?vAAtACx@?PAv@?TAV?AYA{E?qACaDAkBAw@?oAAgA?WAqA?E?_@A]?WC}E?k@Ae@?M?[AwBAsB?o@AoA?g@Ai@?mAAsACkCA{DA{BA{BAo@?]CqF?G?e@Ae@?u@CcG?QEcF?O?m@?]A_F?QAy@?[PAX?J?^AH?FA~@AR?XA|@AhACP?R?tAChAAxAAh@A\\AR?RAd@?^AxACzAAvACr@Ad@AzAC~BAt@AN?RBPBfA?b@@f@?L?b@@^AtBQt@KEe@AMGw@c@mFa@wEOyCGoCQ}BMy^G}UC_ICwJC}JE_JIeHI_ICyBIqAMyAMmASsAWqA[mA_@kAo@iBm@{Aa@kA[cA]uAQu@Mw@QuAK}@IeAEcAC_ACcDAqGOwb@CsJCuKKc[AuDM_c@C_DCuASeF]uEWcD_@_F[wDo@uIUmDKsBIuBEsBGuCCqCAeFEkOGuQE}OC}HCkQCwM?wFC_SI{QCmEAwH@}FAmEGoNMqUAeEEcG?cC@sD?sB@mCB_EDkDBuBDeC@yBPuIDqGAyPAyECsBEsACyDAuB?u@?c@?sGCgCGkKC{BA_GAwB?S?u@AcD?Y?_A?yA@aA?s@B}AB{B?uB?]?eA?yC?OAkEAiB?_@?_AAmA?M]?]@G?G?}@Be@?yAB?F?bA?LM?aFFG?"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the query was successful, false if there was an error. |
routes mandatory |
list of route objects[] |
List of routes matching the query. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
Route Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
driverExternalId mandatory |
string - |
The drivers external identifier. |
driverSerial mandatory |
string - |
The serial number assigned to the driver. |
driverName mandatory |
string - |
The driver’s name. |
vehicleRegistration mandatory |
string - |
Vehicle registration. |
vehicleLabel mandatory |
string - |
Vehicle label. |
duration mandatory |
integer - |
Route duration in minutes. |
distance mandatory |
decimal - |
Route distance in kilometers. |
load1 mandatory |
integer0 |
Route load #1. |
load2 mandatory |
integer0 |
Route load #2. |
load3 mandatory |
integer0 |
Route load #3. |
load4 mandatory |
integer0 |
Route load #4. |
stops mandatory |
list of stop objects[] |
An ordered list of stops/orders on the route. |
routePolyline optional |
string - |
Route polyline encoded with Encoded Polyline Algorithm. Only included if includeRoutePolyline is set to True. |
Stop Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
stopNumber mandatory |
integer - |
Stop number. Starts at 1 . |
orderNo mandatory |
string - |
The order number. |
id mandatory |
string - |
The read-only unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute. |
locationNo mandatory |
string - |
Location number. |
locationName mandatory |
string - |
Location name. |
address mandatory |
string - |
Location address. |
latitude mandatory |
decimal - |
Location latitude. |
longitude mandatory |
decimal - |
Location longitude. |
scheduledAt mandatory |
time (string) - |
The scheduled time to begin the service. 24-hour (military) clock format, for example: 16:00 .The valid values range from 00:00 to 23:59 . |
scheduledAtDt mandatory |
datetime (string) - |
The scheduled date and time to begin the service. Format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS, for example 2018-01-01 13:10:37 . |
arrivalTimeDt mandatory |
datetime (string) - |
The date and time when the driver arrived at the location. Because of time windows the driver might need to wait to begin the service. Format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS, for example 2018-01-01 13:10:37 . |
travelTime mandatory |
integer - |
Travel time from previous stop (in seconds). |
distance mandatory |
integer - |
Distance from previous stop (in meters). |
type optional |
string - |
Order type only added for lunch breaks (value will be break ) and for depot trips (value will be depot ). |
Error and Warning Codes
Get Scheduling Information
Gets the scheduling information for the specified Order. For bulk method see Search Orders
HTTP Request
Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl ''
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orderNo optional |
string - |
The user-specified identifier for the order. |
id optional |
string - |
The unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute. |
One of the two properties must be provided in the request.
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the query was successful, false if there was an error. |
orderScheduled optional |
boolean - |
true if the order is scheduled, false otherwise. |
scheduleInformation optional |
schedule info object - |
The order scheduling information. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
Order Scheduling Information Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
driverExternalId mandatory |
string - |
The drivers external identifier. |
driverSerial mandatory |
string - |
The serial number assigned to the driver. |
driverName mandatory |
string - |
The driver’s name. |
vehicleRegistration mandatory |
string - |
Vehicle registration. |
vehicleLabel mandatory |
string - |
Vehicle label. |
stopNumber mandatory |
integer - |
Stop number on the route. Starts at 1 . |
scheduledAt mandatory |
time (string) - |
The scheduled time to begin the service. 24-hour (military) clock format, for example: 16:00 .The valid values range from 00:00 to 23:59 . |
scheduledAtDt mandatory |
datetime (string) - |
The scheduled date and time to begin the service. Format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS, for example 2018-01-01 13:10:37 . |
arrivalTimeDt mandatory |
datetime (string) - |
The date and time when the driver arrived at the location. Because of time windows the driver might need to wait to begin the service. Format: YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS, for example 2018-01-01 13:10:37 . |
travelTime mandatory |
integer - |
Travel time from previous stop (in seconds). |
distance mandatory |
integer - |
Distance from previous stop (in meters). |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Get Scheduling Information method:
Error Code | Description |
the order with the matching orderNo was not found |
there are multiple orders matching the orderNo |
Response example 1
"success": true,
"orderScheduled": true,
"scheduleInformation": {
"stopNumber": 23,
"scheduledAt": "11:23",
"scheduledAtDt": "2020-02-07 11:23:22",
"arrivalTimeDt": "2020-02-07 11:23:22",
"driverSerial": "005",
"driverExternalId": null,
"driverName": "Driver 005",
"vehicleLabel": "005",
"vehicleRegistration": "Vehicle 005",
"distance": 952,
"travelTime": 123
Response example 2
Start Planning
Starts the planning process for the specified date.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"date": "2013-12-20"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
date mandatory |
date (string) - |
Date to be planned. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example 2013-12-20 . |
dateRange optional |
daterange object | Support for weekly planning (planning a longer time horizon). If dateRange is specified date is ignored and can be left out.Daterange is specified as an object with from and to fields, for example:{"from": "2020-04-27", "to": "2020-05-01"} . |
balancing optional |
stringOFF |
Route balancing settings. Allowed values:OFF – No balancingON – Balance routesON_FORCE – Balance routes and use all driversNo balancing: returns the best routes, some drivers might not be used. Balance routes: balance the work load between drivers, some drivers may not be used. Balance routes and use all drivers: balance work load between all available drivers. |
balanceBy optional |
stringWT |
If route balancing is turned on, this defines the criteria for balancing the routes. Allowed values: WT – Working timeNUM – Number of orders per driver |
balancingFactor optional |
decimal0.3 |
Importance of balancing compared to route costs. Increasing the balancing factor will result in more balanced routes. Only applicable in combination with ON_FORCE (otherwise ignored).Minimum value: 0.0 Maximum value: 1.0 |
startWith optional |
stringEMPTY |
Start planning from existing routes or from scratch. Allowed values: EMPTY – Ignore existing routes and start from scratchCURRENT – Start planning with the existing routes |
lockType optional |
stringNONE |
Applicable if startWith is set to CURRENT .Allowed values: NONE – Allow all changes to the existing routesROUTES - Keep planned Routes unchanged and add new Orders to unusedRESOURCES - Keep Drivers/Vehicles for planned Orders and fit in new Orders |
depotTrips optional |
booleanfalse |
If true drivers will be scheduled to return to the warehouse to reload (or unload in case of pickups) if there is still time within their working hours to do another route.More information is available on our blog: |
depotVisitDuration optional |
integer0 |
Time in minutes required to reload or unload the goods in the warehouse before the driver goes out for another run. Only applicable if depotTrips is set to true. |
clustering optional |
booleanfalse |
If true the system will try to minimize overlapp between driver routes. |
useDrivers optional |
list of SelectedDriver objects[] |
Selected drivers that should be used in the optimization. By default (if useDrivers is not set or the list is empty) all available drivers for the specified date are used. |
useOrders optional |
list of strings[] |
Deprecated in favor of useOrderObjects .Selected orders that should be included in the optimization. Orders are specified as a list of order identifiers ( orderNo strings).By default (if useOrders is not set or the list is empty) all orders for the specified date that have a valid location are included.Orders that are not selected, but are already scheduled to drivers that will be used in the optimization will be unscheduled unless the includeScheduledOrders flag is set to true. |
useOrderObjects optional |
list of objects[] |
Subset of orders on the planned date that should be included in the optimization. Orders are specified as list of objects that can contain either of:
By default (if useOrderObjects is not set or the list is empty) all orders for the specified date that have a valid location are included.Orders that are not selected, but are already scheduled to drivers that will be used in the optimization will be unscheduled unless the includeScheduledOrders flag is set to true. |
includeScheduledOrders optional |
booleantrue |
Determines behavior when a subset of orders is selected but there are other orders already scheduled to the applicable drivers. If includeScheduledOrders is true , these orders will be included in the optimization, otherwise they will be unscheduled. |
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the optimization was started, false if there was an error. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
planningId optional |
integer - |
Returns id of the started optimization if operation was successful, or the already running optimization in case of ERR_OPT_RUNNING_FOR_DATE error. Planning id can be used later for getting the planning status or stopping the planning process. |
missingOrders optional |
list of strings[] |
In case ERR_ORD_NOT_FOUND error is raised this field will contain the list of missing order identifiers (orderNo strings). |
missingDrivers optional |
list of SelectedDriver objects[] |
In case ERR_DRIVER_NOT_FOUND error is raised this field will contain a list of missing drivers. Each driver is a SelectedDriver object. |
ordersWithInvalidLocation optional |
list of strings[] |
In case ERR_ORD_WITH_INVALID_LOC error is raised this field will contain the list of order identifiers (orderNo strings) that have an invalid location. |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Start Planning method:
Error Code | Description |
free trial has ended for this account |
planning is already running for this date |
optimization is already running for one or more orders listed in useOrders |
no orders exist for the specified date |
no drivers are available for this date |
number of driver exceeded |
number of orders exceeded |
internal error, please contact support |
one or more orders specified in useOrders were not found |
one or more orders specified in useOrders have invalid location |
one or more drivers specified in useDrivers were not found |
multiple orders with specified identifier have been found |
multiple drivers with specified identifier have been found |
weekly planning is only supported with the current plan |
weekly planning range is too long |
invalid range, to date is earlier than from date |
Stop Planning
Stops the planning process.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
" planningId": 8828
Property | Type / Default | Description |
planningId mandatory |
integer - |
The id of the planning process to be stopped. |
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the optimization was stopped, false if there was an error. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Stop Planning method:
Error Code | Description |
planning job with specified id was not found |
planning job is not running |
internal error, please contact support |
Get Planning Status
Returns the status of the planning process.
HTTP Request
Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl ''
Property | Type / Default | Description |
planningId mandatory |
integer - |
The id of the planning process. |
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the request was a success, false if an error occurred. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
status optional |
string - |
N - NewR - RunningC - Cancelled by the userF - FinishedE - Error occurred |
percentageComplete optional |
integer - |
Percentage complete – values range from 0 to 100 . |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Get Planning Status method:
Error Code | Description |
the planning job with the specified id was not found |
Update Driver Parameters
Updates driver parameters for a particular date and driver start and end location. Any existing routes for the specified date/driver will be unscheduled.
The following parameters can be changed:
- Enable/disable driver
- Driver work time from
- Driver work time to
- Assigned vehicle
- Vehicle load capacity #1
- Vehicle load capacity #2
- Vehicle load capacity #3
- Vehicle load capacity #4
- Driver start location
- Driver end location
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"externalId": "3945300304540",
"date": "2019-09-25",
"workTimeFrom": "09:30",
"workTimeTo": "18:00"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
externalId mandatory |
string - |
The external identifier assigned to the driver in driver administration. |
date mandatory |
date - |
Date to be planned. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example 2013-12-20 . |
enabled optional |
boolean unchanged |
Enable or disable driver for the specified date. |
workTimeFrom optional |
time (string) unchanged |
Driver’s work time from for the specified date. 24-hour (military) clock format, for example: 08:00 .The valid values range from 00:00 to 23:59 . |
workTimeTo optional |
time (string) unchanged |
Driver’s work time end for the specified date. 24-hour (military) clock format, for example: 08:00 . The valid values range from 00:00 to 23:59 . |
assignedVehicle optional |
string unchanged |
The external identifier of the vehicle to be assigned to the driver for the specified date. This will also update the vehicle load capacity parameters (unless they are overridden with vehicleCapacityX settings). |
vehicleCapacity1 optional |
integer unchanged |
The new vehicle load capacity #1 for the specified date. |
vehicleCapacity2 optional |
integer unchanged |
The new vehicle load capacity #2 for the specified date. |
vehicleCapacity3 optional |
integer unchanged |
The new vehicle load capacity #3 for the specified date. |
vehicleCapacity4 optional |
integer unchanged |
The new vehicle load capacity #4 for the specified date. |
startLatitude optional |
decimal unchanged |
Driver’s start location GPS latitude will be changed (this new location will be used for all future optimizations). If startLongitude is not defined this value will be ignored. |
startLongitude optional |
decimal unchanged |
Driver’s start location GPS longitude (this new location will be used for all future optimizations). If startLatitude is not defined this value will be ignored. |
startAddress optional |
string unchanged |
Driver’s start location address that will be displayed on reports (this new location will be used for all future optimizations). If startLatitude and startLongitude are not defined this value will be ignored. |
endLatitude optional |
decimal unchanged |
Driver’s end location GPS latitude (this new location will be used for all future optimizations). If endLongitude is not defined this value will be ignored. |
endLongitude optional |
decimal unchanged |
Driver’s end location GPS longitude (this new location will be used for all future optimizations). If endLatitude is not defined this value will be ignored. |
endAddress optional |
string unchanged |
Driver’s end location address that will be displayed on reports (this new location will be used for all future optimizations). If endLatitude and endLongitude are not defined this value will be ignored. |
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the driver parameters were updated, false if an error occurred. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Update Driver Parameters method:
Error Code | Description |
the driver with the specified externalId was not found |
multiple drivers with specified externalId have been found |
the vehicle with the specified externalId was not found |
multiple vehicles with specified externalId have been found |
Update Driver Parameters (bulk)
Updates parameters of multiple drivers for the specified dates. Any existing routes for the specified drivers and dates will be unscheduled.
The following parameters for particular dates can be changed:
- Enable/disable driver
- Driver work time from
- Driver work time to
- Driver start location
- Driver end location
- Assigned vehicle
- Vehicle load capacity #1
- Vehicle load capacity #2
- Vehicle load capacity #3
- Vehicle load capacity #4
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"updates": [
"driver": {
"externalId": "001"
"date": "2022-02-15",
"workTime": {
"from": "08:15",
"to": "16:15"
"vehicleCapacity1": 100,
"startLocation": {
"type": "custom",
"latitude": 45.805945,
"longitude": 16.237825
"endLocation": {
"type": "startLocation"
"driver": {
"serial": "S001"
"date": "2022-02-16",
"workTime": {
"from": "09:00",
"to:": "17:00"
"assignedVehicle": {
"registration": "VEH001"
"endLocation": {
"type": "employeeDefault"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
updates mandatory |
list of driver parameters objects - |
List of one or more driver parameters objects to update in the system. At most 500 driver parameters objects can be specified. |
DriverParameters Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
driver mandatory |
object - |
An object with string properties serial or externalId that uniquely identifies the Driver. Example: {"serial": "102"} or {"externalId": "444"} . |
date mandatory |
date - |
Date to be planned. YYYY-MM-DD format, for example 2013-12-20 . |
enabled optional |
boolean unchanged |
Enable or disable driver for the specified date. |
workTime optional |
WorkTime object unchanged |
Driver’s work time from/to for the specified date. |
assignedVehicle optional |
string or object unchanged |
The external identifier as a string or an object with string properties registration or externalId that uniquely identifies the Vehicle to be assigned to the driver for the specified date. This will also update the vehicle load capacity parameters (unless they are overridden with vehicleCapacityX settings). Example: V103 or {"registration": "444"} or {"externalId": "V103"} . |
vehicleCapacity1 optional |
integer unchanged |
The new vehicle load capacity #1 for the specified date. |
vehicleCapacity2 optional |
integer unchanged |
The new vehicle load capacity #2 for the specified date. |
vehicleCapacity3 optional |
integer unchanged |
The new vehicle load capacity #3 for the specified date. |
vehicleCapacity4 optional |
integer unchanged |
The new vehicle load capacity #4 for the specified date. |
startLocation optional |
LocationType object unchanged |
Driver’s start GPS location (this location will be used for future optimizations for specified date). Location type startLocation can't be used. |
endLocation optional |
LocationType object unchanged |
Driver’s end GPS location (this location will be used for future optimizations for specified date). |
When locationType
is custom
and there is no location with the same latitude
, longitude
and address
, a new location will be created and visible in the location administration. The location name will be the same as the address if defined, otherwise the name is generated from latitude and longitude.
WorkTime Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
from mandatory |
time (string) - |
Driver’s work time from. 24-hour (military) clock format, for example: 08:00 .The valid values range from 00:00 to 23:59 . |
to mandatory |
time (string) - |
Driver’s work time end. 24-hour (military) clock format, for example: 08:00 . The valid values range from 00:00 to 23:59 . |
LocationType Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
type mandatory |
string enum | custom – location latitude, longitude and address will be used. employeeDefault – employee's default location will be used. startLocation – employee's start location will be used. |
address optional |
string - |
Location address that will be displayed on reports, for example 393 Hanover St, Boston, MA 02113, US . |
latitude optional |
decimal - |
Location latitude. |
longitude optional |
decimal - |
Location longitude. |
The type
property is mandatory. When type
is specified as create
, mandatory properties are latitude
and longitude
, otherwise only type
should be defined.
Response example:
"updates": [
"success": true,
"driver": {
"externalId": "005"
"date": "2022-02-15"
"success": false,
"driver": {
"serial": "S002"
"date": "2022-02-16",
"code": "ERR_LOC_NOT_VALID",
"message": "Location is not valid.",
"success": false,
"driver": {
"externalId": "003"
"date": "2022-02-17",
"message": "Could not find a driver with the matching id",
"success": false,
"driver": {
"externalId": "010"
"date": "2022-02-18",
"message": "Found multiple drivers with matching external id or serial number.",
"success": true
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if at least one operation was successful, false if all failed |
updates |
list of driver response objects - |
Each driver object in the list corresponds to the respective driver in the request. See Driver Response Object section for more information. |
Driver Response Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the operation succeeded, false if there was an error. |
driver optional |
object - |
Identifier of the respective driver as an object with string properties serial or externalId . |
date optional |
date - |
Date associated with the respective driver. |
code optional |
string - |
A per-order error code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Update Drivers Parameters method:
Error Code | Description |
the driver with the specified externalId or serial was not found |
multiple drivers with specified externalId or serial have been found |
the vehicle with the specified externalId or serial was not found |
multiple vehicles with specified externalId or serial have been found |
the custom location type without latitude and longitude was found |
Get Mobile Events
Retrieve mobile events such as success
, on_duty
, failed
, … for the currently active plan (i.e. the last plan that was sent to drivers).
Each get_events
request returns up to 500
events which occurred after the specified tag. The result will contain a new tag which you can use in the next get_events
request to skip already received events.
HTTP Request
Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl ''
Property | Type / Default | Description |
after_tag optional |
string - |
Specify the after_tag to retrieve only the events which occurred since a specific prior call to get_events .In this case, the after_tag needs to contain the tag returned in the prior call.See example below. |
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true unless an error occurred. |
events optional |
list of event objects[] |
A list of events objects in the order they arrived from drivers’ mobile apps. |
tag optional |
string - |
Tag marks the point of time of the last event received in this response. Use it to specify the after_tag query parameter in the next get_events request. |
remainingEvents optional |
integer unchanged |
The number of events that occurred but were not fetched in this response (in each response at most 500 events are returned). |
Event Object
Property | Type | Description |
event mandatory |
string | Event type. Currently one of the following:on_duty – the driver went on dutyoff_duty – the driver went off dutystart_service - the driver started the servicesuccess – the specified order was completed successfullyfailed – the driver failed to complete the orderrejected – the driver rejected the orderstart_route – the driver started the routeend_route – the driver ended the routestart_time_changed – the driver changed the planned start time |
unixTimestamp mandatory |
integer | The time at which event occurred. Number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 UTC January 1st 1970. |
utcTime mandatory |
ISO 8601 date (string) | The UTC date and time at which the specified event occurred. |
localTime mandatory |
ISO 8601 date (string) | The local time on order location at which the specified event occurred. |
driverName optional |
string | The driver’s name. Will be sent for events that are related to a specific driver. |
driverSerial optional |
string | The driver’s serial number. Will not be sent if empty or if the event is not related to a specific driver. |
driverExternalId optional |
string | The driver’s external identifier. Will not be sent if empty or if the event is not related to a specific driver. |
orderNo optional |
string | The identifier of the affected order. Not sent for some events such as on_duty . |
orderId optional |
string - |
The read-only unique identifier of the affected order, assigned by OptimoRoute. Not sent for some events such as on_duty . |
plannedStartTime optional |
Time object | The time when the driver plans to start the route. Will be included only with the start_time_changed event. |
The returned event fields unixTimestamp
, utcTime
and localTime
all refer to the same moment at which the event occurred, so you can use whichever is more convenient.
Please note that some mobile devices might be offline temporarily and they will sync their events only after they reconnect so the events you’ll receive might arrive out of chronological order. For example, the first driver might successfully complete the order 001
at 9:00 AM, but might be offline until 09:15 AM. The second driver could finish the order 002
at 9:10 AM, but might be online the whole time. The server will receive the event for the order 002
first and only then the event for the order 001
In the first request we won’t specify the
parameter (we’ll leave it empty):
curl ''
"remainingEvents": 0,
"tag": "abcd1234xyz",
"events": [
"unixTimestamp": 1516294800,
"utcTime": "2018-01-18T17:00:00",
"localTime": "2018-01-18T09:00:00",
"driverName": "Charlie",
"driverSerial": "0011",
"event": "on_duty",
"unixTimestamp": 1516296030,
"event": "success",
"utcTime": "2018-01-18T17:20:30",
"localTime": "2018-01-18T09:20:30",
"driverName": "Charlie",
"driverSerial": "0011",
"orderNo": "ORD232",
"orderId": "f7afe58fcddfcbf9f42620c79ebad7ff"
"success": true
We’ll retry the query in 10 seconds, but this time we’ll use the tag we received in the last result as our
curl ''
"remainingEvents": 0,
"tag": "abcd1234xyz",
"events": [],
"success": true
There were no new events in the meantime. We’ll retry the query in 10 seconds:
curl ''
"remainingEvents": 0,
"tag": "qwe9876541213",
"events": [
"unixTimestamp": 1516298030,
"event": "success",
"utcTime": "2018-01-18T17:53:50",
"localTime": "2018-01-18T09:53:50",
"driverName": "Charlie",
"driverSerial": "0011",
"orderNo": "ORD771",
"id": "04e7b09e993e8488024f46aaf9d8c72d"
"success": true
Get Order Completion
Retrieve completion details for one or more orders, once they have been completed. For real-time order status updates please use the Get Mobile Events endpoint
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
POST Request body example:
"orders": [
"orderNo": "ORD001"
"orderNo": "ORD99"
"orderNo": "ORD55"
"orderNo": "XXXYZ"
"id": "84e5e94d341dc637ff77b56ea96cb8e3",
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orders mandatory |
list of order objects - |
List of order objects whose completion details will be retrieved. Each order object can contain either of:
For flexibility, the call to get_completion_details can also be done as a HTTP GET request:
GET request example:
curl ''
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orderNo mandatory |
string - |
The user-specified identifier of an order; can be repeated to retrieve completion details for multiple orders |
"orders": [
"success": true,
"orderNo": "ORD001",
"data": {
"status": "failed",
"startTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604267055,
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T21:44:15",
"localTime": "2020-11-01T16:44:15"
"endTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604267305,
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T21:48:25",
"localTime": "2020-11-01T16:48:25"
"form": {
"note": "Customer was not available, waited for 5 minutes, nobody answered the door"
"tracking_url": ""
"success": true,
"orderNo": "ORD99",
"data": {
"status": "success",
"startTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604264327,
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T20:58:47",
"localTime": "2020-11-01T15:58:47"
"endTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604264397,
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T20:59:57",
"localTime": "2020-11-01T15:59:57"
"form": {
"signature": {
"type": "image/png",
"url": ""
"barcode": [
"barcode": "123456",
"scanInfo": {
"status": "success",
"scanned": "123456"
"barcode": "345678",
"scanInfo": {
"images": [
"type": "image/jpeg",
"url": "https://..."
"status": "unscannable"
"barcode_collections": [
"barcode": null,
"scanInfo": {
"type": "code-128",
"status": "added",
"scanned": "000123"
"success": true,
"orderNo": "ORD55",
"data": {
"status": "scheduled"
"success": false,
"orderNo": "XXXYZ",
"message": "The order with the matching orderNo was not found.",
"success": true,
"id": "84e5e94d341dc637ff77b56ea96cb8e3",
"data": {
"status": "success",
"startTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1661438862,
"utcTime": "2022-08-25T14:47:42",
"localTime": "2022-08-25T16:47:42"
"endTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1661438878,
"utcTime": "2022-08-25T14:47:58",
"localTime": "2022-08-25T16:47:58"
"tracking_url": ""
"success": true
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if completion details of at least one order were retrieved, false if no orders were retrieved |
orders optional |
list of completion response objects[] |
A list of objects containing order completion details, one for each requested order. |
Completion Response Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orderNo optional |
string - |
The identifier of the order. Only present if orderNo was used in the request. |
id optional |
string - |
The unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute. Only present if id was used in the request. |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the operation was successful, false if there was an error. |
code optional |
string - |
An error code or a warning code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
data optional |
object {} |
Object containing order completion status and metadata. See Completion Details fields for possible keys. |
Completion Details fields
The returned Completion Details object will contain fields described below, depending on whether the order has been completed or not, how Proof of Delivery collection is configured, and what has been filled in. The returned Complation Details object may also contain additional fields not yet described here.
Property | Type / Default | Description |
status mandatory |
string - |
Order status, see possible values: Order status values |
startTime optional |
Time object - |
Time when order service was started. Only present for orders with status servicing , success or failed . |
endTime optional |
Time object - |
Time when order service was completed (marked with either status success or failed .Only present for orders with status success or failed . |
form optional |
Form Data object | Contains values filled in from the mobile app while completing the order. Only present if Proof of Delivery is configured. |
tracking_url optional |
string | A link to the order's Realtime Order Tracking page. Only present if order has been assigned a tracking number. Tracking number is assigned when plans are sent to driver or the customer notifications have been sent out. Prerequisite is that Order Tracking is enabled. |
Order Status Values
Value | Description |
unscheduled |
Order has not been scheduled |
scheduled |
Order has not been started yet |
on_route |
Driver is on their way to order location |
servicing |
Order is currently being serviced |
success |
Order was completed successfully |
failed |
Driver failed to complete the order |
rejected |
Order was rejected by the driver |
cancelled |
Order was cancelled by customer |
Time object
Property | Type | Description |
unixTimestamp mandatory |
integer | Number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 UTC January 1st 1970. |
utcTime mandatory |
ISO 8601 date (string) | The UTC date and time |
localTime mandatory |
ISO 8601 date (string) | The local time at the location of order. |
The fields unixTimestamp
, utcTime
and localTime
all refer to the same moment, so you can use whichever is more convenient.
Form Data object
All fields in Form Data are optional, and the object may contain additional fields not listed here.
Property | Type | Description |
note optional |
string | The text of the note included when completing the order. Only present if configured as part of Proof of Delivery and a note has been filled in. |
signature optional |
Image Attachment object | The object describes the attached signature image file Only present if configured as part of Proof of Delivery and a signature has been filled in. |
images optional |
list of Image Attachment objects | The object list the attached images Only present if configured as part of Proof of Delivery and a images have been taken. |
barcode optional |
list of Barcode Scan objects | The object describes the attached barcode completion details Only present if a barcode pre-attached to an order was scanned. |
barcode_collections optional |
list of Barcode Scan objects | The object describes the barcodes collected with the order Only present if configured as a part of Driver App workflow and an unplanned barcode has been scanned during a collection along an order. |
Image Attachment object
Property | Type | Description |
type mandatory |
string | The MIME type of the attached image, typically image/png or image/jpeg |
url mandatory |
string | The URL at which the image file may be downloaded. The URL will include temporary authentication tokens and will be valid for at least 5 days, but not indefinitely. |
Barcode Scan object
Property | Type | Description |
barcode |
string | The barcode attached to the order. May be empty if the barcode is added instead of scanning the pre-atached barcode (e.g. item collection during a delivery) |
scanInfo |
Barcode Info object | Object describing barcode scan status and additional information |
Barcode Info object
Property | Type | Description |
status mandatory |
Barcode Status | Describes the status of a barcode scan |
scanned optional |
string | Barcode that was actually scanned. Might differ from the expected barcode according to the status. |
images optional |
list of Image Attachment objects | Images replacing the barcode scanned when the barcode itself is not scannable. May be present with the status unscannable |
type optional |
string | The type of the barcode scanned if it could have been inferred at the time of scanning. Supported types include: code-128 , code-39 , code-93 , codabar , ean-13 , ean-8 , itf , upc-e , upc-a , qr , pdf-417 , aztec , data-matrix |
Barcode Status
Status code | Description |
success |
the correct barcode was scanned, the value matches the one attached to the order |
unscannable |
the barcode was not scannable. Can have images attached depending on the configuration |
added |
an unplanned barcode was scanned and it's barcode was added |
replaced |
the barcode was replaced at the time of delivery. The scanned property shows the new value |
missing |
the item was not available during the delivery |
Error and Warning Codes
In case success
is false, data
will not be sent and the field code
will contain one of the following per-order error codes:
Error Code | Description |
the order with the matching orderNo was not found |
there are multiple orders matching the orderNo |
Update Order Completion
Update order completion details for one or more orders.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
POST Request body example:
"updates": [
"orderNo": "ORD001",
"data": {
"status": "failed",
"startTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604264327,
"endTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604264397,
"orderNo": "ORD99",
"data": {
"status": "success",
"startTime": {
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T21:44:15",
"endTime": {
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T21:48:25",
"orderNo": "ORD55",
"data": {
"status": "scheduled"
"orderNo": "ORD56",
"data": {
"status": "servicing",
"startTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1692186190,
"orderNo": "XXXYZ",
"data": {
"status": "cancelled"
"id": "84e5e94d341dc637ff77b56ea96cb8e3",
"data": {
"status": "on_route"
Property | Type / Default | Description |
updates mandatory |
list of completion details update objects[] |
A list of order completion details to be updated. At most 500 completion details objects can be specified. |
Completion Details Update Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orderNo optional |
string - |
The identifier of the order. Mandatory if id is not specified. |
id optional |
string - |
The unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute. Mandatory if orderNo was not specified. |
data optional |
object {} |
Object containing order completion status and metadata. See Completion Details Update fields for possible keys. |
Completion Details Update fields
Property | Type / Default | Description |
status mandatory |
string - |
Order status, see possible values: Order status values |
startTime optional |
Time update object - |
Time when order service was started. Only present for orders with status servicing , success or failed . |
endTime optional |
Time update object - |
Time when order service was completed (marked with either status success or failed .Only present for orders with status success or failed . |
Time Update Object
Property | Type | Description |
unixTimestamp optional |
integer | Number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 UTC January 1st 1970. |
utcTime optional |
ISO 8601 date (string) | The UTC date and time. Ignored if unixTimestamp is specified. |
localTime optional |
ISO 8601 date (string) | The local time on order location. Ignored if unixTimestamp or utcTime is specified. |
At least one of unixTimestamp
, utcTime
, localTime
should be specified.
"orders": [
"success": true,
"orderNo": "ORD001",
"data": {
"status": "failed",
"startTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604264327,
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T20:58:47",
"localTime": "2020-11-01T15:58:47"
"endTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604264397,
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T20:59:57",
"localTime": "2020-11-01T15:59:57"
"success": true,
"orderNo": "ORD99",
"data": {
"status": "success",
"startTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604267055,
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T21:44:15",
"localTime": "2020-11-01T16:44:15"
"endTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1604267305,
"utcTime": "2020-11-01T21:48:25",
"localTime": "2020-11-01T16:48:25"
"success": true,
"orderNo": "ORD55",
"data": {
"status": "scheduled"
"success": true,
"orderNo": "ORD56",
"data": {
"status": "servicing",
"startTime": {
"unixTimestamp": 1692186190,
"utcTime": "2023-08-16T11:43:10",
"localTime": "2023-08-16T06:43:10"
"success": false,
"orderNo": "XXXYZ",
"message": "The order with the matching orderNo was not found.",
"success": true,
"id": "84e5e94d341dc637ff77b56ea96cb8e3",
"data": {
"status": "on_route",
"success": true
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if completion details of at least one order were updated, false if no order completion details were updated. |
updates optional |
list of completion response objects[] |
A list of objects containing order completion details, one for each requested update. Completion Response Object |
Update Drivers Positions (bulk)
Updates positions of multiple drivers at given timestamps.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body example:
"updates": [
"driver": {
"externalId": "001"
"positions": [
"timestamp": 1692186190,
"latitude": 45.805945,
"longitude": 16.237825,
"speed": 0,
"accuracy": 10.1
"timestamp": 1692186194,
"latitude": 45.805945,
"longitude": 16.237825,
"speed": 0,
"accuracy": 10.1
"driver": {
"serial": "S002"
"positions": [
"timestamp": 1692186190,
"latitude": 45.805945,
"longitude": 16.237825,
"speed": 20.3,
"accuracy": 10.1,
"heading": 34.2
"timestamp": 1692186194,
"latitude": 45.805923,
"longitude": 16.237844,
"speed": 22.1,
"accuracy": 12.4,
"heading": 34.2
"driver": {
"externalId": "S003"
"positions": [
"timestamp": 1692186190,
"latitude": 45.805945,
"longitude": 16.237825
"driver": {
"serial": "S004"
"positions": [
"timestamp": 1692186190,
"latitude": 45.805945,
"longitude": 16.237825
"driver": {
"serial": "S004"
"positions": [
"timestamp": 1692186190,
"latitude": 45.805945,
"longitude": 16.237825
Property | Type / Default | Description |
updates mandatory |
list of Driver Positions objects - |
List of objects each specifying positions for a driver. At most 1 object for a single driver can be specified. |
Driver Positions Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
driver mandatory |
object - |
An object with string properties serial or externalId that uniquely identifies the Driver. Example: {"serial": "102"} or {"externalId": "444"} . |
positions mandatory |
list of Position objects - |
list of positions accross time. At most 100 positions can be specified for a single driver. |
Position Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
timestamp mandatory |
integer | The time at which event occurred. Number of seconds elapsed since 00:00 UTC January 1st 1970. |
latitude mandatory |
decimal - |
Position latitude in degrees. |
longitude mandatory |
decimal - |
Position longitude in degrees. |
accuracy optional |
decimal - |
Radius of uncertainty for location in meters. |
speed optional |
decimal - |
Speed in meters per second. |
heading optional |
decimal - |
Direction of travel in degrees, 0 indicating north, 90 east, 180 south, ... |
Response example:
"updates": [
"success": true,
"driver": {
"externalId": "001"
"success": false,
"driver": {
"serial": "S002"
"message": "Found multiple drivers with matching external id or serial number.",
"success": false,
"driver": {
"externalId": "S003"
"message": "Could not find a driver with the matching id",
"success": false,
"driver": {
"serial": "S004"
"message": "Multiple driver positions objects for a single driver",
}, {
"success": false,
"driver": {
"serial": "S004"
"message": "Multiple driver positions objects for a single driver",
"success": true
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if at least one operation was successful, false if all failed |
updates |
list of Driver Response Objects - |
Each Driver Response Objects in the list corresponds to the respective Driver Positions object in the request. |
Driver Response Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
true if the operation succeeded, false if there was an error. |
driver optional |
object - |
Identifier of the respective driver as an object with string properties serial or externalId . |
code optional |
string - |
A per-order error code (not set if the operation was successful). |
message optional |
string - |
An error description or a warning description (not set if the operation was successful). |
Error and Warning Codes
The following error codes are applicable to Update Drivers Positions method:
Error Code | Description |
the driver with the specified externalId or serial was not found |
multiple drivers with specified externalId or serial have been found |
multiple drivers positions objects specified for a single driver |
Search Orders
Retrieves one or more orders from the system.
HTTP Request
reqbody.json is a local file containing the JSON data to be posted. Make sure to replace
with your API key.
curl -d '@reqbody.json' ''
Request body examples:
"dateRange": {
"from": "2022-01-01",
"to": "2022-01-03",
"includeOrderData": true,
"orderStatus": ["failed", "rejected"]
"orders": [
"orderNo": "10203"
"orderNo": "10204"
"orders": [
"id": "72b85bf77fe53ebdc689c42ddaacad73"
"id": "5a9247a50481860d44573f7d7f8799d5"
"includeScheduleInformation": true
Property | Type / Default | Description |
orders |
list of order objects - |
List of order objects to retrieve. Each order object can contain either of:
dateRange |
daterange object | An object with from and to fields, for example:{"from": "2022-01-01", "to": "2022-01-03"} . The range can span at most 35 days, i.e. 5 weeks. |
orderStatus optional |
list of strings - |
List of order status strings, to optionally filter the retrieved orders by status. See possible values: Order status values. |
includeOrderData optional |
booleanfalse |
Set this to true if you need to fetch the order data for the orders found |
includeScheduleInformation optional |
booleanfalse |
Set this to true if you need to fetch the order scheduling information |
after_tag optional |
string - |
Specify the after_tag to retrieve only the next page of results from a previous call to this endpoint.In this case, all the parameters need to be repeated with same values as the previous call, and the after_tag needs to contain the value returned in the prior call. |
At least one of orders
or dateRange
properties must be specified in the request.
Response example with
"success": true,
"orders": [
"id": "cd013f61ad8155802ad4321f2b411f4f",
"data": {
"orderNo": "10205",
"date": "2022-01-03",
"type": "T",
"priority": "M",
"duration": 75,
"notes": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"load1": 0,
"load2": 0,
"load3": 0,
"load4": 0,
"customField1": "Revision 5",
"customField2": "184.5",
"customField3": "",
"customField4": "",
"customField5": "",
"id": "cd013f61ad8155802ad4321f2b411f4f",
"assignedTo": null,
"location": {
"locationNo": "T1275",
"locationName": "T1275",
"address": "Moneta, VA 24121, United States",
"latitude": 37.2636426,
"longitude": -79.6105659,
"notes": "",
"valid": true,
"checkInTime": 0
"skills": ["VA"],
"vehicleFeatures": [],
"timeWindows": [],
"notificationPreference": "dont_notify",
"allowedWeekdays": ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu"],
"allowedDates": {}
Response example with
; presence ofafter_tag
after only 2 results exaggerated for illustration only.
"success": true,
"orders": [
"id": "72b85bf77fe53ebdc689c42ddaacad73",
"scheduleInformation": {
"driverExternalId": "",
"driverSerial": "JQP",
"driverName": "John Q P",
"vehicleRegistration": null,
"vehicleLabel": null,
"stopNumber": 3,
"scheduledAt": "10:03",
"scheduledAtDt": "2022-01-02 10:03:44",
"arrivalTimeDt": "2022-01-02 10:03:44",
"travelTime": 2033,
"distance": 32254
"id": "5a9247a50481860d44573f7d7f8799d5",
"scheduleInformation": null
"after_tag": "gAAAAABjGMzYTPcM2QlRwp69tNXXU7asLhGUXJ0SfZZfieAbi37z73cmyfhaoSHWiT8sJX2HnvLjvDTrK3l9TySz0vfWEkuzx6OYOkS4Qc37smFa2Q0t7WE="
Property | Type / Default | Description |
success mandatory |
boolean - |
This will be false if there was an error and no orders were retrieved |
orders mandatory |
list of order response objects - |
Each object in the list represents one result order found in the system. See Order Response Object section for more information. Up to 500 orders will be returned in one call. Use after_tag to fetch the remaining pages. |
after_tag optional |
string - |
Only present if the there are more pages of results to fetch. To fetch the next page of results, repeat the call to this endpoint and with the after_tag parameter and all other parameters with same values. |
Order Response Object
Property | Type / Default | Description |
id mandatory |
string - |
The unique identifier of the order, assigned by OptimoRoute. |
data optional |
Order object - |
The retrieved order data; only present if includeOrderData was set to true |
scheduleInformation optional |
schedule info object - |
The order scheduling information; only present if includeScheduleInformation was set to true . This will be null if the order is not scheduled. |