To limit the maximum number of orders per driver, we first need to set up a new capacity constraint under AdministrationVehiclesCapacities.

To enable a new capacity constraint, click on the checkbox and change the label to “Max orders”. Unit can be left blank for this capacity. To save the changes, click on Apply changes.

Next, set up the default values for vehicles in Administration→Vehicles. Double-click on a vehicle to edit it. In the Details tab, set the default value for the maximum number of orders in the Max orders field.

Before planning the orders, make sure all the orders have a value for “Max orders” set to 1. This can be set during import in the Load #3 column or changed manually by editing the orders.

The maximum number of orders per driver can be changed on a daily basis in the Planning Settings window that is displayed when you click on Plan Routes.

For more information about orders, watch a video on how to plan orders here.